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DECATHLON stores to leverage Checkpoint RFID solutions

Checkpoint Systems announced deal with sports and leisure goods retailer DECATHLON to roll-out radio frequency identification (RFID) solutions in more than 400 stores globally.

Initially, Checkpoint will deliver RFID labels to DECATHLON through its network of service bureaus around Asia and Europe. Further, it will extend the program in all its stores around the world.

The RFID solution program enables items to arrive in store shelf-ready, freeing employees from manually checking deliveries or applying labels to merchandise before they reach the shop floor.

“Reducing out-of-stocks is critical for retailers to compete and win in today’s challenging retail environment,”said Per Levin, President and Chief Sales Officer for Shrink Management & Merchandise Visibility Solutions for Checkpoint Systems.

Levin noted that RFID-based EAS helps DECATHLON to reduce shrink and gains real-time insight into merchandise status to make real-time business decisions that drive new sales opportunities.

DECATHLON has already installed Checkpoint’s dual-mode EVOLVE Exclusive E10 Radio Frequency (RF)- and RFID-based antennas in 19 countries. It has also implemented Alpha High Theft Solutions to protect high-risk merchandise.