Source tagging in the Baltic States. What do I need to know?

Loss prevention is a compromise between customer experience and security. High risk merchandise is protected with EAS tags, other security measures are applied at every store.

Yet applying security tags at the store level is an inefficient and time consuming task, requiring a lot of investment in security tags.

Source tagging applies an RF/RFID security tag at the point of manufacturing, before the product arrives at the store.

According to Checkpoint Systems – a global leader in source tagging applications – an effective source tagging program can reduce shrinkage up to 51%.

Source tagging helps retailers to:

  • Simplify inventory tracking and auditing, when products can be tracked throughout the full supply chain.
  • Reduce shrinkage, when every product arrives at the store with a security tag already installed.

Source tagging shifts management of loss prevention and shrinkage from a store-level, to a global chain-wide programme. 

Source tagging is already commonplace among retailers in Western Europe. This year it is also gaining popularity in the Baltic States.

Source tagging benefits

  • Reduces human man hours required to apply security tags at the store level.
  • Reduces the investment required for EAS security tags.
  • The security tag is applied in the same unified position, without obstructing or having any negative effect to the product branding.
  • Stock inventory can be tracked throughout the supply chain – not only in the store.
  • Faster way from the factory to the shelf – the products can be instantly stocked after they arrive at the store.
  • No locked display cases that reduce sales – higher risk merchandise can be showcased in an open retail showcase.

What merchandise can be source tagged?

Checkpoint Systems currently protects more than 12.000 products from 800 manufacturers and 1100 brands.

Most popular source tagging applications are:

  • 40% meat and other food products
  • 19% beverages
  • 19% cosmetics, beauty products
  • The remaining part – electronics, homewares, DIY products.

Checkpoint Systems has offered source tagging services since 2006. The company works with the leading global brands and retail chains, with firsthand experience in multiple product categories. The know-how allows partnering retailers to launch an effective source tagging programme from the get go, select the best applicable tags, as well as identify the programme ROI.

It is also worth mentioning that source tagging is not just a simple application of a security tag. Different products (liquids, metal packaging etc.) require different protective tags. A trial run must be performed to identify the best application. Furthermore – a working security ecosystem at each store level is required for the source tagging project to make sense.

Source tagging in Latvia and Estonia. Where do I start?

Neto Baltic is an official Checkpoint Systems partner in the Baltic states. For our customers we can offer the full Checkpoint Systems source tagging solution ecosystem and end-to-end project delivery: from cost estimation, solution architecture, to deployment and day-to-day support.

It does not cost to ask. Book a free-of-charge consultation to learn more about source tagging, where we could jointly identify high-risk merchandise categories, most efficient ways to secure them, analyze the project scope and produce ROI calculations.